Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Meeting: Jamie Fridd from Jamie Kay

I love it when good things find me.  The good thing I speak of is Jamie Fridd of Jamie Kay

Jamie Kay is an online store filled with lots of lovely colourful homewares, childrens decor & jewellery (her own label) that she has sourced from all over the world.

We had planned to meet in town (Christchurch), as she is based out in the Canterbury rural.  The forecast snow altered our plans some-what and fate lead us to meet at Designmade.  Timely, as we also managed to get to see the fabulous Julia from 
Studio Home give a very imformative chat on social media.  I digress...

On first impressions Jamie struck me as a real go-getter and someone who has an obvious passion for homewares and interior design.  After hanging out with her that certainly proved to be the truth.  

She's enthustiastic and bubbly with a definate design twinke in her eye.  It was a joy to meet her and I would encourage you to go and check her out as well as keeping a close eye on her - good things abound I predict!

Q and A with Jamie Fridd

What gave you the idea for what you are doing?

I found myself always buying overseas homewares magazines and using them as inspiration to create colourful cushions, art works & items for my home. I decided it was about time to try and source the products I loved and bring them to New Zealand.

Would Jamie Kay ever be a 'real' shop?
 Absolutely, its on my to do list  'A country store - in a renovated barn. Filled with lots of beautiful products'...I'll keep you posted...

When you buy product for your shop who are you buying for? 
I'm buying for the person who loves great design, lots of colour & high quality products.

What can we expect for the future of Jamie Kay?  
I absolutely love New Zealand wool and think we need to make more use of it for homewares in New Zealand. So expect some lovely wool pillows & blankets to pop up online in the next few months. Gorgeous colours & patterns!  And a large shipment of French linens, vintage and new & lots of French antiques!

Maybe just maybe Jamie has offered us a wee giveaway.  
Check on Monday to find out what it will be (you will likee, I just know it!)