Thursday, August 4, 2011

Floored by: The Humlegarden Apartment, Stockholm

I knew I was part Swedish and after seeing this apartment I truly believe this is my long lost relation.  

All images by Lindman Photography

My jaw is still on the ground - so will just type the details and clean up the drool later.

Designed by Tham & Videgard Arkitekter - the colours of the parquet floor mirror the neighbouring parks' changing hues of the seasons.  

Who's fucking cool man.

I found it at Plenty of Colour (my new bestie blog).  Thanks Chloe - I'm finding in very hard not to re-blog all your posts.


  1. oh wow! That's In-cred-ible!!! Hope they don't put any furniture in there or the look will be QUITE ruined!!

  2. Doh! Just had another squizz and seen they HAVE got some furniture in there - obviously doesn't ruin the look!! Perfection.........

  3. You are so sweet! Very happy we are now blog besties ;) I am in love with your site and oh so talented eye for design!

  4. What a fabulous idea - way to go.Love the different colours!

  5. Rach - the furniture is ALL WHITE. Genius.

    Chloe - Blogamance

    Bea - SUCH a great idea. Simple but VERY effective.

  6. That floor is incredible! I love the floorplan shot, it gives such a great view of the whole layout. The white furniture is the perfect touch too.
